May 20, 2009

Getting Ready

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while ... I don't think anyone even noticed... 

I have been getting ready for Karyn's  visit.  She will be here TOMORROW!!  WOO HOO!!  We have a weekend of fun planned!!
Maybe I'll get something crafty done then!!  I haven't done more than a wedding card (which is still in my camera) since April!
Anna Banana


Paula K said...

I've noticed!! I look forward to your crafty posts! You know how they say, those who can't do - teach? Well, those who can't craft, read!

Anonymous said...

I just now remembered to check back and see if you won the you know what for you know who and was quite surprised to see the answer!

Anna Banana said...

Yeah - I know - I was soooo thrilled!! I am guessing she knows since she entered the contest and probably checked the winner, but she isn't letting on!! And in any case, the color will be a surprise :)
I'm glad you checked back in - I wanted to tell you (since you commented) but I didn't know if you would have realized who I was :)

Monica-FC said...

I cannot wait tos ee what you both make as i been looking on here to see what you make.

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

I was wondering why you hadn't posted, but figured you were super busy and that you'd eventually get back to it.

kc_froglady said...

I is here we is having fun!