May 31, 2009

Sad News

I'm sorry for no posts for so long, but after Karyn's Super Fun visit, we found out Friday that Kirby's Grandpa passed away.
The funeral /cremation will be on Wednesday and then I am not sure what state of mind Kirby will be in on Thursday.  I'm sure I won't get to the craft room to do anything this week.
Thanks for your support and understanding in this difficult time.


Monica-FC said...

I am sorry to hear that as I lost both grandpas in 1981 so i know what he going thru and my dad 4 years ago in 2005. thoughts will be with you both.

Paula K said...

So sorry Anna! Thoughts and prayers to you both...

Unknown said...

Your in my prayers guys! Sorry for your loss.

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

Take all the time you need. I'll say an extra prayer for you and Kirby. I'm sorry for your loss.

Kathy W said...

so sorry for your loss

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your bad news.